
There are many myths about eating disorders. As a Health at Every Size therapist, there are many things I wish more people understood about eating disorders. Let’s break down the four most common myths about eating disorders that cause harm.

by Erika Pranzo, LPC Let’s talk about summer body image. Finally, it’s over 70 degrees in Philly. It’s time to open the windows, feel the sun on your skin, wear sundresses, and hate every picture you take. Stop right there- not this year!! Our mental health often improves as the temperature gets warmer and the […]

If you struggle with an eating disorder or have a difficult relationship with your body. Fitness may be a complicated piece of your life. It may be tied to changing your body or looking a different way. Keep reading to learn how one our therapists changed her relationship with her body through acceptance. I sought […]

Keeping treatment relevant, timely, and on track. Therapy doesn’t need to be old school. At Therapy for Women, we believe in working to remain at the forefront of therapy techniques, methods, and technologies so we can best support our clients. Which is why we are proud to announce our use of MoodLinks and RecoveryRecord to […]

by Erika Pranzo, LPC Summer is often a major source of anxiety for many women. Research by Kite (2019) found that many women completely avoid social activities because of anxiety regarding how their bodies look in vulnerable clothing. Over the centuries, women have received pressure to maintain a certain beauty/ body standard through nearly every […]

Despite it being “the most wonderful time of the year”, the holidays can be tough, especially for those of us with Substance Use Disorders or Eating Disorders. After making it through quite a few sober and eating disorder symptom free holiday meals, and supporting hundreds of women through them, I’ve compiled a list of my best tips that I myself […]

I was sitting in an AA big book meeting roughly a year ago. I opened the cover and scribbled on the first page read “willingness without action is fantasy.” The quote hit me in the stomach. Sometimes we need that in recovery…a wake up call. The quote found me at exactly the right time. Since grad school I […]

Have you seen the Amy Schumer’s “I’m so Bad” sketch on Comedy Central? ​Its a genius parody striking back at food shaming in the media. Seriously, if you haven’t seen it, go to youtube it… I will wait. Let me recap it for you. 4 women sitting at a restaurant sharing about how “bad” they […]

I spent years beating myself up. I thought if I was harsh and mean to myself, I could beat myself into submission, make my current mental state so intolerable that I would be forced to change. Instead, it had the opposite affect. The meaner I was to myself, the more I acted out… alcohol, food, […]

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